Dr. Daniel M. Ingram will speak on "Ethically Scaling Brain Hacking, Cognitive Social Justice, and Practical Issues of Soteriology" on Sunday June 20, at 17:30 UTC, 20:30 IDT, 10:30 PDT.
Please register here and we will send you an invitation before the event.
Bio: Dr. Daniel M. Ingram, MD MSPH, is a retired emergency medicine physician, trained epidemiologist, author, meditation teacher, co-founder of the Dharma Overground, key organizer of the Emergent Phenomenology Research Consortium, and Board Chair and acting CEO of the charity Emergence Benefactors . His current obsession is upgrading the functional relationship between science, spiritual/psychedelic/meditative/etc. practice, and clinical practice. Website here.
His book was reviewed at SlateStarCodex.